Inner Child Work with EFT

Prerequisite: Only for EFT Students/Practitioners who have completed L1 and 2 foundational skills training.


Date: 25th April, 2025

Register Now

Timing: 4:30 pm 8 pm IST

Fee: Rs 3000 /USD 50

(Discounted cost for my students- Rs 2100/USD 35)

Format: Experiential (Demo and practice session)

Duration: 3.5 hours


This trauma-informed approach focuses on resolving inner conflicts, healing attachment wounds, and addressing traumatic experiences.

When core needs such as safety, love, and acceptance are unmet during childhood, we develop coping mechanisms to adapt. These strategies often persist subconsciously into adulthood, shaping our behavior. Inner Child work enables us to acknowledge and connect with the parts of ourselves (our younger selves) that feel hurt, abandoned, unloved, or unheard. These parts may engage in creative coping strategies, such as people-pleasing, to navigate unmet needs.

By re-parenting our inner child—the part of us that embodies authenticity, creativity, playfulness, and unresolved wounds—we nurture healing and growth. This process involves being a compassionate witness to your younger part (self) and also allowing the adult self (as you are in the present) to express their feelings towards the younger parts.




How does it relate to specific events & core issues?

Detective questions to begin inner child work

When to use it?

Nuances of the Process

Process and example

Safety considerations
