Consultation with Puja

Free and Confidential 20 minutes Evaluation Session

This is a free evaluation session where we will discuss the possibility of working together. If I'm not available, then you can work with an EFT Practitioner from my team.

FEES: For fees, click here.


Therapeutic Approaches


EFT can be used for a wide range of issues like stress management, anger management, reducing anxiety, improving productivity, removing blocks to performance, trauma recovery etc. You can read more about it here

Individual EFT sessions Include:

1) Instructions on how to apply the techniques.
2) Tips and EFT scripts will be mailed after each session (depending on the problem).
2) Learning the basics of EFT/other techniques so that you can help yourself on a daily basis.
3) Email support with specific queries: Twice a week
4) Additional resources like articles, video links etc.



REBT is a rational way of looking at life. Propounded by Albert Ellis, this approach is focused on changing irrational beliefs into more rational beliefs. The way we perceive situations can cause emotional distress and self-defeating behaviors. This technique focuses on changing the quality of a difficult 'negative' emotion from a unhealthy to a healthy one. Helps in self-regulation and leading a rational and productive life, especially beneficial for anger management, procrastination and stress management.

I provide pure EFT sessions or a combination of EFT, REBT & talk therapy if that is more suited for the client. We can discuss what works best for you in the evaluation session. 

EFT and REBT are active solution focused approaches and cut down the therapy time and cost.

Audio/Video Sessions

You will get a EFT Tapping chart before the therapy/consultation session. To download the free E-book on EFT, Subscribe here.

Choose a place that is comfortable and has privacy. With hands free or ear phones, it is easy to tap.

Fixed line phones with speakers or mobiles with hands free are used for Phone Sessions.
Call has to be made by you at the set time after appointment.

ZOOM is used for Online Sessions.

Advantages of Phone/Online Therapy


It saves one from having to travel through the mad traffic and tensions and anxiety and the very block to get treated from. So I would recommend online/phone sessions for the clients as it retains confidentiality and saves practical hazards.

Sense of privacy - Phone/Online therapy is more comfortable since it gives a sense of privacy to people. They can be more open during the sessions and feel safer while getting therapy from the comfort of their houses.

Concentration - In phone/online therapy, concentration on the issue at hand is more since there are no visual distractions.

Clients, who have phobias and panic symptoms, can talk on the phone and apply EFT in the presence of the feared objects or situations. This helps in applying EFT on the actual symptoms. In panic attack cases, where the client is learning to cope with being in situations that trigger panic, it is very handy to use a phone for EFT session. The symptoms can be worked upon as they arise. This also teaches them how to deal with similar situations on their own.