Five years ago Beecher was navigating the challenges of an unfulfilling corporate job, battling daily anxiety, and resorting to excessive drinking as a coping mechanism. The turning point came when her son was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. Beecher knew she needed help so she could be there for her son in the best way possible.
Embarking on a journey of self-improvement, Beecher stumbled upon the transformative power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Witnessing the profound impact EFT had on her son and on her own life, she felt a calling to transition from her two-decade-long corporate design career to become a Certified EFT practitioner with EFT International, driven by a passion to help others manifest the lives of their dreams.
Beecher has successfully used EFT to guide both herself and her clients through healing processes related to trauma, grief, addiction, and anxiety. Recognizing that our life experiences shape who we are today, she emphasizes the importance of dismantling limiting beliefs and emotions that persist from the past. By doing so, individuals can rediscover their most authentic selves, paving the way for happiness and inner peace.
Areas of Specialization: Trauma, Grief, Addiction and Anxiety
Fees: USD 60