PreviousThe "Geo-Specific EFT approach is a truly helpful addition to the modern EFT practitioners of the world; it's a thoughtful discourse on how you and your clients can be more congruent, build better rapport and understanding, and ultimately bring more rapid, successful healing. This approach to developing cultural resistance sensitivity provides a path to unravelling the myriad contextual meanings, world-view and self-awareness at work in a clients' life. Tips and case studies provide ample illustration of her theories in practice; eye-opening and useful!"
- Jondi Whitis, Trainer, Radio HostCo-Founder of global energy work site, TapFest
I love your e-book GEO-Specific EFT. It came to my attention earlier this year when I was occupied with other things, and decided to order it for future reading. Now, I have read it with more care and more serious thought as to how points you make will apply to what I do in future. Today I discovered your interview with Jondi Whitis on EFT Radio which was also very enlightening. Overcoming a language barrier in doing EFT is something very relevant for me just now, so thank you for talking about that. I work voluntarily with different groups, including English language students, and sometimes they ask for the kind of help that EFT is appropriate for. I intend to recommend GEO-Specific EFT to the Facebook group ‘EFT Practitioners’ Spontaneous Practice Group’ and to our local EFT practitioners’ support group here in Wellington, New Zealand, and I’ll make a note to bring it up at the EFT Master Class in Melbourne in October. Thank you again Puja for a very succinct and well-written manual. It has given me much food for thought and I expect to be referring to it quite often.
- LYNSEY FERRARIWellington, New Zealand.