About Puja

Counselling Psychologist, EFT Trainer of Trainers & EFT Practitioner

Member of  EFT International Training and Accreditation Committee (TAC)

Qualifications & EFT Training

Accredited EFT Master Trainer of Trainers (EFT International, UK)

Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Course by Robert Rhoton & Eric Gentry (PESI)

Tapping out of Trauma (TOOT v.1) course by Craig Weiner & Suzanne Fageol

Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) Skills Training (Self Align- An affiliated Training Center of Albert Ellis Institute, New York)

Accredited Certified Advanced Level 3 Practitioner (EFT International, UK)

EFT Level 3 course with Jade Barbee, USA

2 Day Intensive Course in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, NJ, USA

EFT L 1 & 2 Refresher course  by Jondi Whitis, NJ, USA

Certified EFT Intermediate practitioner -1 (EFT universe Certification Program By Dawson Church)

EFT CERT I (Former EFT Certification Program by Gary Craig, EFT Founder)

EFT-ADV (Advanced Certificate of Completion) Gary Craig

EFT - CC (Fundamentals Course) Gary Craig

Special Module on Applied Social Psychology, University of Windsor, Canada

M.A in Psychology, North Campus; University of Delhi

B.A (Hons.) in Psychology, University of Delhi


Listed on

American Psychological Association - International Affiliate Member, Membership # 24654079      

Areas of Specialization

Childhood Sexual Abuse

Trauma Recovery

GAD – Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety

My Journey

I obtained my masters degree in Psychology from Delhi University in 2000. During my post graduate program, I did my internship at RAHI (Recovery and Healing from Incest). It is a support group for women survivors of Incest, located in Delhi. During my work there, I developed a questionnaire to identify the level of awareness of child sexual abuse and incest, amongst the mental health professionals in Delhi hospitals and conducted semi- structured interviews. Since then I have explored this subject, and have urged and assisted parents and educators in promoting awareness about it.

My thesis on ‘Feminism in society and academics’ under the guidance of Dr. Suneet Varma, gave me further insight into the gender biased and harsh inequality practices.

I went to Canada to pursue Ph.D in Applied Social Psychology and completed one semester. I had to come back to India without completing my Ph.D program due to personal reasons. However, the courses that I completed were excellent and they gave me a better understanding on Applied social Psychology.

My journey as a counseling psychologist began in 2003 when I first heard about EFT. As a psychologist, I was very skeptical about EFT. But once I applied on and experienced its benefits, I was totally impressed by the effectiveness of it and immediately went on to train myself in EFT and completed the basic, advanced and the highly competitive EFT-CERT I program* by Gary Craig, and became the only EFT Practitioner certified by Gary Craig (the founder of EFT) in India.

I have successfully used EFT on my past traumas and issues. It has been one of the most beneficial tools in my personal healing journey.

I have 18+ years of experience in the field of therapy. It has been my pleasure to assist clients in their healing process. My background in psychology has been really helpful in providing safe and gentle client-centered psychotherapy and EFT sessions. I specialize in gentle trauma recovery from Childhood sexual abuse.

I have also researched EFT architecture and methodologies and have developed Geo-specific EFT approach. It is a new perspective in EFT that can help resolve issues mired in one’s culture & religion. I have worked with various clients across the globe with diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

I am a certified Trainer of Trainers with EFT International and love training students in EFT. I look forward to assisting trainees in India so that we can have more professional and ethical EFT practitioners & Trainers in India who can deliver quality EFT sessions and trainings.

Note:* EFT CERT I is the only official certification program which was issued by Gary Craig’s EFT foundation. EFT- CC & EFT- ADV certificates were awarded by Pace Educational Systems, N.J, U.S.A.
* EFT INT 1 – Clinical EFT Certification Program by Dawson Church, EFT UNIVERSE